Optional Art Activities: Ideas for Fun at Home (Week of 4/13)

Optional Art Activities
Week of April 12, 2020

Drawing by Touch 
Go outside and find some interesting objects that you can hold in your hand. Sticks and rocks make
great subjects for this project. Get your drawing materials out and sit for a moment with an object
behind you, feeling it in your hands. Close your eyes. Notice the shapes and thickness of the object.
Set it down and try to draw what you “feel it looks like.” This is a very good activity for trying
something different, it really taps into the right brain.

Mirror Leaf Drawings
Go for another walk outside. Be looking for different shaped leaves and also leaves of different
colors. Bring them home and pick out your favorites. Using scissors, cut the leaves in half. Glue
them to a sheet of paper. Use crayons or colored pencils to try to draw the other half. Pay attention
to the veins in the leaf, the outer edges as well as the blending of colors.

Cardboard Tube Circles
Find a cardboard tube from a paper towel roll or toilet paper roll to use as a stamp. Using one color
of paint (I recommend black) dip the cardboard tube into the paint and use it as a stamp on your
paper. Overlap circles and have fun making ghosty stamps and sharp thick ones too. Let this dry.
Then use paints or coloring tools to color in the shapes. Pay attention to where the circles overlap.
