Optional Art Activities
Week of April 27, 2020

Paper Weaving
This is a satisfying and fun activity that only requires colored paper, scissors and glue.
You can play around with color patterns or just go willy nilly and use up some old
construction paper or scrapbook paper you might have around. You can also use white drawing
paper for strips and design them ahead of time with markers, crayons or paints.
Click Here for a tutorial.

Homemade Playdough
Making homemade playdough is more fun than just buying it at the store, and it's cheaper, and
offers opportunities to practice measuring and hypothesizing. Making playdough can be
a science project and an art project all in one. Once you've made some dough, consider making
a series of sculptures that are related. Maybe make a collection of snacks or a special meal.
It can also be interesting to use other materials with playdough; try introducing dry pasta
and/or beads to the mix and see where your imagination takes you.
Click here: Playdough Recipes
Patchwork House Cardboard Collage

For this project, you need a large piece of cardboard cut into the simple shape of a house (square with a triangle on top). Then you basically design it with whatever materials you have! You can use old
fabric scraps, markers, paints, yarn, beads, stickers, feathers. Anything. The sky is the limit. Just glue everything on with some school glue and you're good to go.
Click Here for more ideas and material suggestions.
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